The Little “Nagging” Voice Inside Your Mind

This negative self-talk keeps us holding back and is an inconvenient distraction and certainly not helpful when we want to try something new.

You become disillusioned when you don’t succeed straightaway. Have you ever experienced that?

How can we ignore this nagging voice inside our minds?

By simply, recognising it, talking to it and then by making it disappear. We all have our doubts in our minds and this is the language we speak to ourselves. This is the internal dialogue you have with yourself very often during the day. They often appear in What if…? Fear is attached to it as the voice in your mind has one primary function and that is to protect you.

Somewhere in your life, you might have experienced that people laughed at you. That feeling of being laughed at has manifested as an emotion and your subconscious mind doesn’t forget. So, when you experience someone laughing at you, that very same feeling gets triggered. The process is that it gets pushed up from your subconscious to your conscious mind and you start to keep quiet by not voicing your opinion because in the back of your mind there is this memory of being laughed at and the emotion attached to it to just top it a bit more. Consequently, you are then reluctant to speak up in meetings or other occasions because your ego, the conscious mind, wants to protect you. You protecting yourself.

But what if you succeeded? Fear is attached to the nagging voice and what we think is often not true anyway. Whatever you experienced to have that fear and the nagging voice fostering itself, I bet you what you like, your circumstances and your situation was completely different then. You might have even be a child when you experienced it and have you not progressed as a person?

Possible negative self-talk:

1. What will the other people think if I did…?
2. What if I fail?
3. What if people look at me?
4. I won’t say anything because they might not like me then.
5. I never get that right.
6. No matter what I do, I just don’t feel good enough.
7. Others are always better than me.

If, let’s say you sang a lot as a child and then you stopped singing because of maybe some criticism around you, but you knew you were good and you enjoyed it. Later on in life you wanted to take it up again, would you or wouldn’t you? You see, a lot of the former experience might have come from people who did not want you to succeed. But is this your problem or theirs? Someone else made you believe and the belief is not even yours. I would love to see you sing right now and say: That felt really good! Important is that you celebrate your successes and you can do that very easily – anchor them by a gesture. It could be as simple as giving yourself a “high five” and say “YES!”

Let’s go back to YOUR fun, and you can send that “nagging” voice away.

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